Thursday, February 12, 2009


Well, her little face is slowly getting better. Lance took her to the Dr. on Tuesday morning and he saw a different Dr. who told him it was getting better and to just keep up the good work. That night I got a call from Noreen, (the Dr. I saw) who was concerned because she had not seen Peyton at all that day. I told her that Lance brought her in, and the Dr. told me that what they thought was MRSA was in fact something else entirely. They say there are traces of another bacteria called pseudomonas. I looked it up. Don't waste your time, there is not much on the internet about it. But from what the Dr. said, it is a nasty little bug. She told me to bring her back the next day (Wednesday) and if she thought is was not getting any better then she would have to put her in a hospital bed and hook her up to an IV antibiotic drip. SCARY! I couldn't imagine my little 10 month old in a hospital bed. To all those who have had to endure it, my heart goes out to you!
The next morning we went to Urgent Care again and 3 different Drs came in to see her face. I felt like my child was some petry dish that was on display. They did tell me everything they were discussing and thinking so it wasn't like they were trying to talk above me or anything, just a weird feeling to hear them say "oh, go get so and so, they would love to see this." The Dr's told me that I needed to get her down to her normal practitioner and have a Pediatric Infection Control Board done on her to rule out all Pediatric (and other) infection. I made her an appointment for Friday in Sacramento at UC Davis, where she is usually seen, and I checked the weather report. SNOW SNOW SNOW!!! I checked it more closely, and it seemed like my best bet was to leave immediately to beat the worst of it.
My boss gave me the rest of the afternoon off and I got in my car and left. The ride was fine until I got into California on highway 80 at the Tahoe exit Hwy 89. It was completely stopped!! I called caltrans and they said there was a 15-20 car pileup down the hill and they would be stopped for awhile. I daringly took hwy 89 to Tahoe. I hit a little snow, but for the most part the drive around the lake was absolutely astonishing. We hit highway 50 at around 5 last night and that is where the trouble began. The highway wasn't closed, but it was definately a blizzard. It was pretty scary to drive in, but even worse because it was at night. I finally reached my inlaws at around 8:15 (left Susanville at 2:45) 5 1/2 hours later...But I am glad to be here safe and sound. We go see the Dr tomorrow, and I will be sure to post all about what they tell us. Keep your fingers crossed that she will be fine! Say a prayer too. That always seems to help.

This is a picture of Emerald Bay at Lake Tahoe. I told you, absolutely gorgeous!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you made it safely, Ashley! I hope that everything will go well with your pedi appointment. Your picture is beautiful!