Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Trouble is his middle name

Lately Parker has been getting in to EVERYTHING! It seems like he just wants to see how far he can push my buttons! And boy does it work. I was talking with a friend yesterday about the different personalities of our children. We came to the conclusion that is must be a boy/girl thing. With our girls, yes, they would push our buttons, but they would do it right in front of us, allowing us to be able to punish them for the deed right then and there. Our boys on the other hand do their mischivous things in secret, leaving them for me to find a little later, when it is too late to really punish them for it (he is one...he isn't going to know what I am smacking his hand for 20 mintues after he has moved on to something else). I have to keep every door in my house closed except for the one to his room. He gets into toilets, drawers, closets and his favorite of all...the kitchen trash! It literally makes me gag. For the last 4 years of our marriage Lance and I have always wanted 3 kids. Now, on a daily basis, Lance tells me that we are done! I am sure that it is just a phase and that one day (in a couple years) he will again want another child. The best part of our Damien child is that as soon as he does something to push our buttons a little too far, he makes his little gremiln face and melts our hearts. He is the sweetest little guy and always wants to cuddle and love you. So even though we are being tested to our limits by this little firecracker, he still owns our hearts! Can't wait to see what he is like as a teenager...NOT!

Here is his cute Gremlin face (not in full force)

And to prove that he isn't always a demon-child, here he is singing OUT LOUD in church

1 comment:

Rachael Abbott said...

Ha! Ben is the same way. The only door we can leave open is his room as well, because he can destroy anything faster than I can yell, "Benjamin!"