Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Peyton has been sick for the past two days. She has had really bad diarhea and very often. She has been a huge crabby pants, and she wants to be held ALL THE TIME. And most of the time, she just wants it to be me that is doing the holding. Poor Lance can't even get her to calm down half the time, and poor me cause I am the only one that can. I can't quite figure out why, though perhaps she is getting her top teeth in. She had bad poos with her bottom ones too, but never was she this fussy. Maybe these just hurt her more. Either way, I sure hope this is just a phase and it ends very soon. Other than that, everything has just been normal. We (Peyton and I) went down to Sacramento for Thanksgiving and then to Ione for a couple days. I love being able to go and spend time with our family, I only wish that Lance could be with my more often. But I have learned that this time at the beginning of our lives away from eachother is necessary for the lifestyle we have chosen. I know that eventually we will be in a place where we will be able to be with eachother everyday, and every holiday, and still be close enough to family that we won't have to travel to get there.

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